Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So here i am..after nearly 6 months

well in my previous post i said that i would like to lose some weight as my 2010 resolution
and the date now is 07/07/2010..
Have i achieve my goal...
Let this picture be the judge

So now i am aiming a muscular and 6 pack body like Taylor Laurtner kind of body...I promise in 1 year after this post i will look like this

i've done what i thought would be impossible for me which is to lose weight.
After sucesfully losing some KG's
now i think it is not Impossible to get that 6 PACK!! yeah i can do it...i know i can

p/s: i found a secret to look hot along the way..its Working OUT ok! no other else..i don't want to blow my own trumpet..but judging from my before and after picture..i look MUCH MUCH MUCH more Better ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


its been nearly 1 month i've been working out at the gym
i eat the right food, i exercise evryday

now i managed to reduce my weight to 73kg, as
compare to before 79kg

even my figure is still not very satisfied yet
i believe i can
i won't stop believing that i can become slim once again
n achived 6 packs

i really REALLY BELIEVE i can
nothing going to stop me from achieving that

Monday, December 21, 2009

the good and the bad in 2009 n my 2010 resolution

2009 is coming to an end...
its have been a roller coaster year 4 me...
it have been good,bad,fantastic,amzing,sad,mad,wonderful,,EVERYTHING
most of all i learn a lot this year
n it make me more mature

here is the list of the goods n bad things happen 2 me throughout this year

The bads in my 2009
1) My grandpa passed away
2) My EX cheated me
3) i gain weight cuz i drank alcohol 2 much
4) clubbing like hell
5) chetaed again by another gurl..long story..

the good in my 2009
1) Vice-Chansellor award...yEAH!!!
2) discover the LAW OF ATRRACTION
3) discover very good frens at UiTM
4) active at gym to lose weight
5) less alcoholic (recently)
6) go 2 church more often
7) new car radio! yeah!

My 2010 resolution
1) less ngirup arak
2) go to gym more often n lose weight
3) live a healthy life
4) less smoking
5) focus more on my studies(civil enginerring)
6) make more good frens
7) Find my Princess!! ;-)