2009 is coming to an end...
its have been a roller coaster year 4 me...
it have been good,bad,fantastic,amzing,sad,mad,wonderful,,EVERYTHING
most of all i learn a lot this year
n it make me more mature
here is the list of the goods n bad things happen 2 me throughout this year
The bads in my 2009
1) My grandpa passed away
2) My EX cheated me
3) i gain weight cuz i drank alcohol 2 much
4) clubbing like hell
5) chetaed again by another gurl..long story..
the good in my 2009
1) Vice-Chansellor award...yEAH!!!
2) discover the LAW OF ATRRACTION
3) discover very good frens at UiTM
4) active at gym to lose weight
5) less alcoholic (recently)
6) go 2 church more often
7) new car radio! yeah!
My 2010 resolution
1) less ngirup arak
2) go to gym more often n lose weight
3) live a healthy life
4) less smoking
5) focus more on my studies(civil enginerring)
6) make more good frens
7) Find my Princess!! ;-)
Monday, December 21, 2009
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